IxoraThe Ixora plant (Ixora coccinea) is a common flowering plant with small, bushy shrubs that feature large clusters of a variety of colours which manifest themselves as elegant puffballs amongst evergreen leaves. This plant can be seen on the island of Barbados in gardens blooming all year round. It is said that there is an estimated 400 species of Ixora currently in existence with plants occurring in two main types - the large plant which carries a height of approximately 1 meter and the dwarf type with its characteristic bushy appearance and small leaves.
When cut, Ixora flowers last well in water thus making them a delightful sight on the table of any home in Barbados and in the garden of any home on the island.
Care of the Ixora PlantThe Ixora plant does quite well in partial shade when you are in a warm environment but you will find that when you give it full sun, it will grow dense, compact and with more flowers.
This sun-loving plant thrives best in warm, humid conditions with well-drained organic soil conditions. Cow dung is no stranger to Barbados and a mere 2tsp of this matter can be added to the soil once every couple of months to enable excellent thriving conditions for the Ixora plant. The Ixora plant prefers acidic soil.
The Ixora plant has only moderate salt tolerance and no cold tolerance so planting in line with ocean breezes is not recommended.
The Ixora plant is susceptible to aphids, scale insects and mealy bugs. The plant should be washed with insecticidal soap inorder to control the spread of such pests.
Avoid planting the Ixora plant close to concrete as concrete contains alkaline soil conditions that are not at all favourable for the Ixora plant.
Health Benefits of the Ixora Plant
The Ixora plant is a rather versatile plant and can easily be cultivated in pots while the larger ones can readily take their places on the outside to adorn any garden on the island of Barbados.