Artists Displaying Their Paintings at the Annual Harvest Garden Party at St. James Parish Church, Holetown, St. James, Barbados Pocket Guide


Here's our top ten list of artists. Click here for a more extensive list on artists in Barbados.


Mrs. Marilda Weatherhead

Marilda Weatherhead moved to Barbados from Venezuela in the late 1960s and only decided to try her hand at art sometime later in 1987. This trial quickly turned into a passion and soon enough a love for oils and soft pastels developed. This love and passion deepened and hence the birth of Frangipani Art Gallery. A world of art awaits you once you enter this gallery which is located at The Sugar Cane Club, Hotel and Spa on Barbados' north coast. The paintings and works of Mrs. Weatherhead have created a hub of attraction as she enjoys focussing her attention on a variety of subjects inclusive of but not limited to, ballerinas, banana trees and people.

Fielding Babb

Fielding Babb is renowned as a well respected artist on the island of Barbados. Water colour became his specialty in the early seventies (70s) but his penchant for oils took over by the early eighties (80s). His work is a true reflection of what life is like in Barbados as he conveys this message through his techniques of short diagonal strokes.


Fielding Babb can be contacted at (246) 420-5634

Dr. Lance Bannister

Dr. Lance Bannister, is a medical doctor by profession but has also developed an unusual art form using steel and other metal parts, usually from cars which have been abandoned and are unused. Along with conceptualizing the items and making them, he has established a sort of theme park. A probable delight for any science buff or imaginative child, Dr Bannister's "Iron Gardens" is located in Perry Gap, St. Michael, a road adjacent to the Insurance Corporation of Barbados on Roebuck Street. Through this effort and labour of love and recycling, it is clear that Dr Bannister has made his contribution to safe-guarding the environment of his native Barbados.


Dr. Lance Bannister can be contacted at (246) 426-1336

Alison Chapman-Andrews

Alison Chapman-Andrews was trained at Art schools in England but honed most of her artistic skills in Barbados and Guyana. Her full-time teaching job in Barbados has allowed her to not be dependent on her art for a living and as a result, her focus has been moreso on expressing her passion for personal purposes. Her painting styles have been focussed on nature's wonders.


Click here for further information on Alison Chapman-Andrews or contact her at (246) 429-4897, 822-5726 or email address

Annalee Davis

Annalee Davis is a well-known Barbadian Visual Artist whose work has been travelling throughout the Caribbean since 1989. Her work focuses primarily on issues related to the community at hand, usage of land, migration and the uncertain nature associated with that of post independent Caribbean States. Such are expressed by way of drawings, paintings, installation, video and soundwork.


She operates from her studio, the Manipura studio, which is located at a dairy farm in St. George. Annalee has not only held solo exhibits throughout the Caribbean and the USA, she has also held group exhibitions in Argentina, Germany, India, South Africa and Spain to name a few.


Click here for further information on Annalee Davis or contact her at (246) 435-1952, 230-8897 or click here to send an email.

Ann Dodson

Ann Dodson was born and educated on the island of Barbados. In 1981, she graduated from Concordia University, Canada where she gained a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree. One year later, she completed a diploma in Education at McGill University in Canada. Her experience has afforded her the opportunity to return to Barbados and teach at both secondary and tertiary institutions. She currently teaches at St. Winifred's School.


Her art has been exhibited not just in Barbados but in the USA as well. She also creates hand-painted scarves and t-shirts which are easily seen as collectors' items.


Ann Dodson can be contacted at (246) 422-2940

Winston Kellman

Winston Kellman was born in Barbados and trained in Britain. His interests in Barbadian landscapes took off on his return to the island back in 1992. His string of watercolours, oil paintings and drawings are all true expressions of the strong representation he so well portrays of our island Barbados.


Click here to send an email to Winston Kellman or contact him at (246) 433-2101

Neville Legall

Neville Legall has exhibited his work throughout the island of Barbados since 1984 and many parts of the world including Cuba, the USA, Canada, the UK and Germany. His successful career as a visual artist was preceded by his teaching experience at a secondary level.


Click here for further information on Neville Legall, send an email, or contact him at (246) 438-6954

Lilian Sten Nicholson

Lilian Sten Nicholson was born in Sweden but spent most of her life throughout the Caribbean from as early as 1965. Not only has she travelled extensively but so too has her work as seen throughout the USA, Europe and the Caribbean. Her studies were comprehensively executed as she studied painting at St. Martins School of Art in London, UK, Hovedskou School of Art in Gothenburg, Sweden, Chong’s School of Chinese painting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Archeology and Social Anthropology at Gothenburg University.


Lillian Sten Nicholson can be contacted at (246) 423-6237

Goldie Spieler

Goldie Spieler is at the very heart of Earthworks Pottery. Considered 'No Ordinary Pottery' this once small art studio has now grown in leaps and bounds to become a world-renowned pottery.


Goldie's experience with Earthworks Pottery dates back to 1981 when she established this family-run hand-made pottery art studio. Creating local pottery that is simply vibrant, Goldie has been able to convey the essence of life in Barbados through her pottery. Pieces include bathroom accessories, pots, crockery and vases to name a few. All pieces made at Earthworks Pottery, located in Edge Hill, St. Thomas are safe for the microwave.


Click here for further information on Goldie Spieler and Earthworks Pottery or contact her at (246) 425-0223 or click here to send an email.


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