Parents Education For Development In Barbados (PAREDOS)

Parents Education For Development In Barbados (PAREDOS) is a non-profit organization that has been developing partnership with International and Government agencies, the private sector, NGO’s and individuals to deliver Parent Education and Support Programmes to families for over thirty-six (36) years.


PAREDOS opened the Bertie Graham Early Childhood Education Unit in 2001 which is the home of the PAREDOS Day Care Centre.


PAREDOS is guided by an Executive Committee and managed by a Director and a team of highly qualified staff.  Professional resource persons and trained volunteers provide technical assistance.


PAREDOS School-Based Programme

PAREDOS Anger Management and Character Building Programme (AMCBP) is being conducted in the primary schools in Barbados, with children (5 to 11 years) their parents and teachers. This programme is a collaborative effort between between PAREDOS and the private sector, and is supported by the Ministry of Education and principals of the participating schools.


Early Childhood Education

PAREDOS Day Care centre is designed to expose children 3 months - 4 ½ years to a wide range of developmental and learning strategies, allowing each child to reach his/her full spiritual, physical, intellectual, creative, emotional and social potential, while providing parent education and support to their parents.


Birth - 4 Years

 Smile with your child.
Use a range of loving voice tones. Talk with your child.
Sing to your child.
Play with your child.
Teach your child the rules of social interaction (e.g. one person speaks, the other person listens).
Encourage your child to explore the environment.


5 - 11 Years

Teach your child about feelings and how to express them in a positive way.
Listen to your child.
Show interest in what your child is saying/doing.
Teach your child about the importance of touch, gestures and signs as ways to communicate.
Teach your child about the importance of touch, gestures and signs as ways to communicate.


"Your Child's Emotional Needs are Important."

Encourage your adolescent to share accomplishments with others.
Allow your adolescent to participate in activities that interest him/her.
Provide an environment where your adolescent can express his/her talents and abilities.
Let your adolescent know that you are proud of his/her accomplishments.


Further information on Parents Education For Development In Barbados, #4 St. Clair Gardens, Perry Gap, Roebuck Street, St Michael can be sourced at the following website Tel/Fax (246) 427-0212 or Email: .


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