The Barbados Association for Children
with Intellectual Challenge

Formerly the Barbados Association for Mentally Retarded Children, this association is a charitable organisation that is committed to providing services to children and young adults across Barbados who are mentally challenged. Their Mission is to empower young Barbadians with disabilities through training, skills development and entrepreneurship to enable them to increase their participation in the economic development process in Barbados.


The Challenor School

The Challenor School is located in Cane Field, St. Thomas  and offers a program through The Barbados Association for Children with Intellectual Challenges. This learning facility offers parents a chance to have their children educated in an environment that is most conducive to the learning abilities of their children. This school accommodates some forty-five (45) children aged five through eighteen years of age. Various challenges that are untaken by this school include ADD, fragile X Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, down syndrome and  and autism.


Teaching Techniques

The teaching techniques available at the Challenor School in Barbados are based on the Multi Sensory Stimulation program. This program comprises of activities that are specially targeted towards the five senses.


The TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children) Program is world renowned for its most effective impact on autistic people. Based on individual needs, this complete program makes use of several learning techniques, of several methods in various combinations.


It is a complete program of services for autistic people which makes use of several techniques, of several methods in various combination depending upon the individual person's needs and emerging capabilities.


The Pre-Academic Program is a kindergarten based syllabus that incorporates colours, numbers and shapes.


The Social Skills Program is aimed at developing the necessary skills needed to carry on with daily tasks such as showering, preparing meals, paying bills, taking care of your clothing, hair combing and dressing.


The Adult Training Program as the name suggests, provides for adults aged 18-35 so as to effectively prepare them for the jpb market. Courses currently offered are agriculture and landscaping, food preparation, sewing & craft and woodwork.


The Challenor School has received assistance with specialised educational material and equipment and other resources that have been provided through The Barbados Children's Trust have assisted by providing The Challenor School.


Further information on the Barbados Association for Mentally Retarded Children, Challenor Complex, Canefield, St. Thomas, Barbados can be sourced by calling Telephone Numbers (246) 438-6862/6967, Fax 438-7556 or Email: .


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