Shopping MallsThere are several shopping malls found here on the island of Barbados. Of course, our malls are quite small when compared to those found in the U.S.A. and even in Trinidad; but despite their size our shopping malls still provide a valued service to both locals and visitors alike. They even serve as local hang out spots for many young people and young families, even though on any given day you are likely to find a wide cross section of people roaming the corridors of these relatively new shopping spaces.
Shopping malls in Barbados are located in the more commercial areas of the island with Barbados' major mall, Sheraton Centre, being conveniently located in Christ Church. Additionally, some of the other malls or shopping centres located in Barbados are as follows…
These shopping centres located in Barbados have certainly raised the level of the shopping experience here on the island. So after you have had the opportunity to take in the sites of the island and cooled off at Barbados' many beautiful beaches you might want to take a trek to any of the local malls where you are likely to find that special memento of your visit this beautiful gem in the Caribbean sea known as Barbados.