Flower ForestThink of a forest and hundreds of acres of untamed land comes to mind. On the small island of Barbados, there are also remnants of forest, which have been cultured to create places of refreshment, beauty and oasis. The Flower Forest in St. Joseph is one such former plantation property which has undergone this transformation. It can be found along Highway 2 and is in relatively close proximity to two other places of interest: Harrison Cave and Welchman Hall Gully.
The Flower Forest sits on some fifty (50) acres of land and has been blessed to now have well over 100 species of plants and flowers interspersed throughout. What will be immediately evident to both the trained and untrained eye are the vibrant and rainbow coloured flowers all over. A winding path takes you through this horticultural delight and the majority of the plants and tree are well-labelled with both the scientific and popular names so that you are educated while relaxing in this massive garden.
The tours are self-guided and there are also lawn and clear green spaces. In the midst of the "forest", benches have been placed at strategic points to allow one to catch one's breath or just sit and soak in the beauty of natural creation. The sounds of singing birds and chattering monkeys are all part of the Flower Forest experience in Barbados.
There is a gift shop at which locally crafted items can be purchased and if one is in need of any items of convenience… say bottled water, film or suntan lotion, this can also be obtained from the shop. A small snack bar provides light refreshment such as flying fish or the popular hot dog.
The Flower Forest is open seven (7) days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with an admission fee of Barbados $20.00 for adults and $10.00 for children. Call them at (246) 433 - 8152. You can visit the Flower Forest with Sun Tours on their Gardens & Abbey Tour. 00-12