{youtube}8Xkwl-mYCTo|466|222|0{/youtube} Bajan Rum PunchYour visit to Barbados will certainly expose you to the many intriguing aspects of our island that will certainly leave indelible imprints on your mind.
We're sure that by now you must be aware of the fact that rum has been a favorite of Barbados since the days of the British settlers. To this date, rum is still very much a favorite with both locals and visitors to the island as it is continually held in high esteem as the strongest and smoothest rum in the world.
There's a witty little formula that's associated with Bajan Rum Punch and it goes like this:- (1) One of sour
This is quite easy to remember in the event you find yourself being thrown in the deep end of having had too much to drink and still being called upon to make another bowlful to replenish the punch bowl.
Bajan Rum Punch RecipeIngredients: