Four Square Rum Distillery & Heritage ParkThe production of rum and its by-products has contributed to the economic life of Barbados in the past and continues to do so up to this day. There are several refineries on the island which can boast their own production set-up; however the Foursquare Rum Refinery located in St. Philip has the most modern premises and systems. A rum-producing plantation in the 17th century, Foursquare derived its name from the existence of a square-shaped pond in the general area.
Today, this distillery sits on eight (8) acres of Barbados land, which is planted with trees and flowers throughout. This blends the commercial production side with the natural beauty of the location.
Foursquare is a thoroughly organized Barbados family-run operation, on which sugar and its several by-products are developed and made. The property comprises several areas and components: an Ageing Bond, Bottling Plant and a Rum Bond. Hundreds of kegs or caskets are set out in years for ease of reference and testing. The rums produced by this business include: ESA Fields, Doorlys, Old Brigand and the Rum Gift Centre has them both on display and for sale.
If time is not an issue, take the opportunity to observe the various steps in the process. All the modern, cutting edge material is set up in clear view of any visitors to this Barbados distillery.
The owners of Foursquare Distillery have placed emphasis on the formation of an environmentally friendly business. As an example of this commitment, waste created within the plant is treated and ways are sought and found to diversify it. So, for example, effluent is treated and the end product is used for irrigation purposes on this massive property.