St. Patricks ChurchSt. Patrick's Anglican Church is located in the village of St. Patrick in the large parish of Christ Church on the island of Barbados. This little church has a plain façade, quite common for those churches which once functioned as chapel schools on the island. The architecture of these former chapel schools tended not to be as ornate as the churches themselves hence their simple exterior appearance, which has been retained now that they have been converted into full fledged churches.
In any case, St. Patrick's Chapel School was constructed in 1843 and was consecrated that same year by the bishop of Barbados, Thomas Parry on 10th April. The land on which the chapel currently sits was a gift to the diocese from Bezsin Reece.
Initially, this chapel served the parish of Christ Church (eastern section) along side the St. Bartholomew’s Church which is located just a short distance away, adjacent to the Grantley Adams International Airport. Today however, this church functions as a full church, serving its own community of worshipers in Barbados.
The simplicity of this church also extends to its interior which is highlighted by the elegant mahogany work which features prominently in the church's sanctuary. St. Patrick's Church is also the only church on the island of Barbados to be in possession of a working grandfather clock which reliably chimes every fifteen minutes. This just adds to the quaintness of this authentic Barbadian Anglican Church.
When this church was constructed, it measured one thousand, two hundred and fifty square feet (1250 sq. ft.) with the chancel being added between the years 1890 and 1897. Additionally, the Choir vestry is named after the longest serving rector of the church, The Rev. H. F. Kirton who served in his position from 1897 until 1927. Incidentally, both the choir vestry and the pulpit were dedicated on the same date of January 14th, 1940.
This small rural church boasts four hundred communicants and two choirs; a senior choir and a junior choir. The senior choir is made up of the senior members of the church while the junior choir is largely made up of children between the ages of five and sixteen. The senior choir customarily leads the Holy Eucharist every Sunday morning.
This church prides itself on serving the needs of its close knit community especially, the youth and the elderly. To this end the church fosters membership in the following church-based organizations:
A journey to the parish of Christ Church in Barbados would certainly necessitate a visit to this simple, little Anglican Church.
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