St. Martin's ChurchSt. Martin's Church is situated in the parish of St. Philip in Barbados. It was built in 1859 and sits on the site of the previous chapel school for the area. The chapel school was actually built in 1837 at a cost of just about three and fifty pounds (£350) and was approximately nine hundred square feet (900 sq. ft.). This area of St. Philip in Barbados is relatively flat and that works out well for the St. Martin's church since it can be seen for miles around the parish, like a beacon for all the would-be worshippers.
Architecturally, St. Martin's church in Barbados is not considered a beautiful church by any stretch of the imagination; in fact, many architectural enthusiasts consider the proportions of this church to be quite awkward. As a matter of fact, the first features that you would notice on approach to this church are the steeply pitched roof and the disproportioned bell tower. Even the windows in the structure seem to lack any uniformity in shape and size while the buttresses appear to be too small to accomplish the job for which they were built. However, despite the many architectural faux pas, this church still has its own unique charm and attraction.
St. Martin's Church nonetheless, has been a mainstay on the religious landscape of Barbados for just about one hundred and fifty two years. Located in St. Philip, the largest parish on the island of Barbados, it is the first large church that you would encounter as you travel east along highway seven (H7) leaving the parish of Christ Church behind you.
This church sits right along the main road, which incidentally separates the church from newer part of the cemetery and the primary school which are both located directly adjacent to the church building. The plot of land which the church occupies is relatively small, hence the necessity of having the graveyard extend beyond the walls which surround this church.
To the layperson, this church still bears the general appearance of many of the traditional churches located here on the island of Barbados and it is still well worth a visit the next time you venture to the parish of St. Philip right here on the delightful island of Barbados.
Contact InformationTelephone (Office) - (246) 416-5319